Please look at the sample for this course's study tool!

Writing the RE05 Representatives Examination?

Test yourself, to see if you are ready.

If not, enrol in the full training presentation, and learn step-by-step.

The best study tools available, right here.

Price R290.00 for only the Mock Examination.

Price R996.00 for the full package - ultimate study experience.

Study for the RE05 Representative Examination Online.

For R996.00 you receive 3 months access to the study tools.

Unlimited practice of the Exam example questions, and re-study of all the topics.

Ensure that you succeed with this excellent way of using all your senses for the study!

The presentations uses visual, different voices, multiple question quizzes, your results and a review of your results. - Unlimited.

Writing the Regulatory Exam for Key Individuals?

Test yourself, to see if you are ready.

This package contains two Mock Exams for R520.00.

If you are not ready to write, enrol in the next RE01 Study Pack, 

and make sure that you are fully prepared for R1 450.00.

The best RE01 Study tool on the market - experience it for yourself.

Study for the RE01 Key Individual Examination Online.

For R1 450.00 you receive 3 months access to the study tools.

Unlimited practice of the Exam example questions, and re-study of all the topics.

Ensure that you succeed with this excellent way of using all your senses for the study!

The presentations uses visual, different voices, multiple question quizzes, your results and a review of your results. - Unlimited.